Friday 12 January 2018

5PH have had a fantastic first week back after the Christmas holidays. They have all returned focused and ready to learn.

What have we ben learning this week?
In guided reading, we are continuing to read 'The Chronicles of Narnia, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' and focused this week on comparing the new characters we have been introduced to.
In English, we have started writing our very own adventure story set in Narnia. The children have fantastic ideas and I am excited to read their plots and openings this weekend. Reading and interpreting line graphs has been our focus in maths and although at the start of the week many of us found this skill difficult, by the end of the week we were all able to complete tasks successfully. In topic lessons, we have started thinking about the key features we will need to include in our coat designs to survive our 'journey to the Alps'. We will be designing and making the coats and showing them off at our year 5 catwalk. Details will be sent out next week.

Reading- Please continue to sign your child's reading book log daily and remind them to bring it to school. Lots of Dojo's were given out this week as rewards for children returning their reading book logs signed.
Maths- Your child has brought home a task sheet focusing on worded maths problems to practise the skills learnt last term.  This needs to be in by Thursday 18th January 2018.
Spellings- The focus for our spellings is the endings -ible, -able, -ibly and -ably. Please can you remind your child to return their spellings sheet daily. I will be testing the children Friday 19th January 2018.

PE will be taught outside on the following days. Please remind your child to bring their outdoor kit on these days.
Tuesday 16th January
Tuesday 23rd January
Tuesday 30th January
Friday 9th February

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Pinder

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